
Overwhelm. It's a real thing. There's so much that needs to be done, but when you try to plan a way through it, you can't even see the road. You make it through that day and hope a good night's sleep will change the view for tomorrow. But it doesn't. I got to the point... Continue Reading →

What are you spreading?

No, this isn't another post about washing your hands. Just some food for thought. When we focus on something, we magnify it in our perception. What are you magnifying with your social media, your conversations, your meditations? Are you spreading hope or fear? Are you spreading peace or panic? Are you spreading help or hate?... Continue Reading →

Hope & Reason

Photo by Lynnelle Richardson on Pexels.com I recently listened to a great message from a pastor I respect who has a church in Australia- Patsy Camenetti. One of the references she uses talks about how fear is used as a weapon in warfare and the best way to combat the fear - hope and reason.... Continue Reading →

Romance & Rock tumblers

I've been married for over seventeen years, and I share this nugget of wisdom with any newly engaged or married couples that cross my path because of how much it helped me in my first year of marriage. Media and movies present dating as the toughest part of a romantic relationship. Yes, dating has more... Continue Reading →

Haiku Tuesday

This plant has survived on my back patio with maximum neglect. Today's encouragement is that sometimes when you are worried about whether something you wish would grow is about to die...it blooms. Never give up. Keep doing what you know to do, even if it doesn't seem like enough. Trust that God is working in... Continue Reading →

Mission Accomplished.

I've been writing and posting remotely the last few days in areas with sketchy or no internet access, so any oddities in posting I blame on that. Today is the 30th day of January, technically the end of my 30 day challenge. It's been a full month. On the tenth, we registered incoming spring students.... Continue Reading →

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